Ideation for creating teams to be contacted by organizations interested in contracting with Scouts on various projects and events.

Leads on this project:

Rita Vargas

Founder of Cloud Scouts, Riley Blackwell

Cloud Scouts Talent Patrol Leader, Rachel Price Sitman

Things to consider:

Before proceeding, it will be crucial to identify the unique skills and knowledge that your Scouts can bring to the table. This could include technical expertise, community building, knowledge of NFTs and blockchain, leadership, governance, and so on. Consider creating a skills inventory to help you understand what your Scouts can offer.

Here are a few points you might want to consider as you develop this proposal:

  1. Structure of Services: Will the consulting services be project-based, where Scouts work on specific tasks or projects for a client, or will they be more of an advisory role, where Scouts provide guidance and advice to help projects navigate the web3 space?

  2. Compensation: How will Scouts be compensated for their time and effort? This could be in the form of payment, tokens from the project they’re helping, earning additional merit badges, or some other form of value exchange. It’s essential to ensure that the compensation is fair and reflects the value that the Scouts are providing.

  3. Quality Control: How will you ensure the quality of the services provided by the Scouts? You may need a system for reviewing and approving work, as well as a mechanism for feedback and continuous improvement.

  4. Demand Generation: How will you generate demand for these services? Consider creating a marketing plan to promote your consulting services to potential clients.

  5. Matchmaking Process: You’ll need a process to match Scouts with projects that need their help. This could be based on the specific skills and interests of the Scout and the needs of the project. You might also consider creating a system where projects can post their needs and Scouts can apply to help, sort of like a job board.

  6. Training and Development: Consider offering training and development opportunities for Scouts to expand their skills. This could include webinars, workshops, or mentorship programs. The more skilled your Scouts are, the more value they can provide to the projects they’re helping.

  7. Performance Metrics: Define how you will measure the success of your consulting services. This could include client satisfaction, the number of projects completed, the value generated for clients, or other relevant metrics.

  8. Legal and Compliance: Make sure to take into consideration any legal and compliance issues. This could include ensuring that Scouts are not misclassified as employees, addressing intellectual property rights for any work created during consulting engagements, and ensuring data privacy and security.

  9. Partnerships: Consider partnering with other organizations, projects, or individuals in the web3 space. This could expand your reach and bring in more opportunities for your Scouts.

  10. Case Studies and Testimonials: As you start to deliver these consulting services, collect case studies and testimonials from satisfied clients. This will be a great way to demonstrate the value of your services to potential clients.