Cloud Scouts Proposal Template

  1. Title

    Provide a clear and concise title that summarizes the main idea of the proposal.

  2. Authors and Roles

    List the names of the members submitting the proposal and their roles within the Cloud Scouts organization.

  3. Background and Context

    Explain the current situation or issue that the proposal aims to address. Provide relevant background information and context to help other members understand the need for the proposed actions or initiatives.

  4. Objective

    State the primary objective or goal of the proposal. What do you hope to achieve by implementing the proposed actions or initiatives?

  5. Proposal Details

    Describe the specific actions, initiatives, or changes that the proposal suggests. Provide enough detail for other members to fully understand the proposed actions and their potential impact.

  6. Benefits and Impact

    Explain the potential benefits and positive impact that the proposed actions or initiatives may have on the Cloud Scouts organization and its members.

  7. Potential Risks and Challenges

    Identify any potential risks, challenges, or obstacles that may arise during the implementation of the proposed actions or initiatives. Suggest possible ways to mitigate or address these concerns.

  8. Next Steps and Implementation

    Outline the next steps that need to be taken if the proposal is approved, including any deadlines or milestones that need to be met. Also, identify any individuals or teams that will be responsible for carrying out these next steps.

  9. Additional Information

    Include any additional information, data, or supporting documentation that may be relevant to the proposal. This can be in the form of attachments, links, or references to other resources.

  10. Conclusion

Summarize the main points of the proposal and reiterate the importance of the proposed actions or initiatives. Make a finalappeal for support and approval from the other members.